Monday, January 9, 2012

The ghost veins gossip.

I've two poems forthcoming in Durable Goods Magazine. They'll be in issue 55. I will have a few copies of this issue which I plan to spread around to a few local places so that it can be enjoyed. I'll also probably get around to doing readings involving the pieces within the issue sometime in the next month or so.

I love even just the concept of this magazine and I encourage anyone reading this to go check it out. Subscribe. Understand that print will only die if you let it and that this computer screen you're staring at means fuck all in the world.

When you die, do you want to leave something behind? I do: A pantload of words. In this digital age, how many people are really going to have their works endure? If it's on a website, a hard drive, a disc, or any other digital media, I will bet my bottom dollar that it disappears. But print... it's something you can hold, smell, FEEL. Don't let that die.

Support small press. Support the PRINTED word.

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